Validation and verification

greenhouse gas offset program, through tree planting

The Carbone boréal project has successfully completed two important steps towards the highest level of recognition as a credible and rigorous carbon offset project. First, the validation process (completed in June 2011) led by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) – with the contribution of a Canadian expert panel – put the quantification protocol of the Carbone boréal team through a thorough technical evaluation against the ISO 14064-parts 2 and 3 norm (follow the links hereafter for the quantification protocol and the CSA statement). Then, the team went through a verification process (completed in May 2012 and July 2018) led by and independent third party, the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ), that again evaluated the project against the ISO 14064 norm. More precisely, the verification by the BNQ ascertain that the Carbone boréal GHG declaration was correct, and that the project was compliant with the preciseness, pertinence, completeness, coherence, transparency and conservativeness principles of the ISO 14064 norm (follow the link hereafter for the complete BNQ statement). This means that people and organizations that contributed to Carbone boréal can be confident with the fact that the project is compliant with the recognized guidance, norms and practices that prescribe the best way to sequester carbon in offset plantations and, consequently, that all precautions were adequately taken, in the verification body opinion, to insure the additionality and permanence of the tons of absorbed GHGs by the Carbone boréal plantations.